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Stripe Soft Delete Action Mixin

The StripeSoftDeleteMixin is a mixin class that provides a soft delete method for Stripe objects. This mixin is designed to be used with Django models and allows developers to mark Stripe objects as deleted without actually deleting them from the local database.

Extending the Mixin

To extend the StripeSoftDeleteMixin and build your own action, you need to create a new class that inherits from the mixin and defines the model_class attribute. The model_class attribute should be set to the Django model that you want to use with the mixin.


from django_stripe.actions import StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin
from django_stripe.models import MyStripeModel

class MyStripeAction(StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin):
    model_class = MyStripeModel

my_action = MyStripeAction()
stripe_id = 'cus_123456789'


Soft Delete Stripe Object

This method is used to soft delete a Stripe object by its Stripe ID. It marks the object as deleted in the local database by setting the deleted_at field to the current timestamp.

Method: soft_delete(self, stripe_id: str)

Argument Description
stripe_id The Stripe ID of the object to be deleted.


from django_stripe.actions.mixins import StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin

class MyStripeAction(StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin):
    model_class = MyStripeModel

my_action = MyStripeAction()
stripe_id = 'cus_123456789'

Customizing the Mixin

You can customize the mixin by overriding the soft_delete method or adding new methods to the class. For example, you can add a new method to handle the deletion of related objects.


from django_stripe.actions.mixins import StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin
from django_stripe.models import MyStripeModel

class MyStripeAction(StripeSoftDeleteActionMixin):
    model_class = MyStripeModel

    def soft_delete(self, stripe_id: str):
        # Call the parent method to mark the object as deleted

        # Delete related objects
        related_objects = self.model_class.related_objects.filter(stripe_id=stripe_id)

my_action = MyStripeAction()
stripe_id = 'cus_123456789'

Best Practices

  • Always use the soft_delete method to mark objects as deleted, rather than deleting them directly.
  • Use the model_class attribute to specify the Django model that you want to use with the mixin.
  • Override the soft_delete method or add new methods to the class to customize the mixin.
  • Use the super() function to call the parent method when overriding the soft_delete method.